All Four Horsemen Are Riding Right Now!
This article does not come to you by the wisdom of men. But rather, by the power of The Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth. It was not the result of much research, but rather by the divine revelation of The Christ.
Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
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In Daniel 12:4 we see that God told Daniel to seal the words, the book. In Rev. 6 we see Jesus opening the Seals. When the Seals are opened we should see an increase in knowledge and transportation! Daniel 12:4 says many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased. The context of this in the end time opening of the seals. We know that in the late 1800's and early 1900's knowledge was increased and transportation multiplied with the inventions of the automobile and airplanes.
The first Seal of Revelation 6 and the white horseman was released with the invention of the Nobel Prizes and especially with the Nobel Peace Price in 1901. Alfred Nobel (Nobelius) was also the inventor of dynamite! In his day, he was known as the "merchant of death" and "Lord of Dynamite". He was a socialist and lived many years in Russia. He and his family were oil tycoons and prosperous munitions manufacturers and were responsible for creating naval mines and many other instruments of death/war. He once said "I should like to invent a substance or a machine with such terrible power of mass destruction that war would thereby be impossible forever". In other words, he thought a nuclear bomb would end all war. He was also a playwright. His last play "Nemesis" was written in the last year of his life. The play was very satanic including torture, rape, and incest and features a drug-induced vision of the virgin Mary, a conversation, with Satan and ends in a 40-minute torture scene. In pagan Greek culture, they would crown their "best" playwrights with a wreath on the head.
The 5 Nobel prizes recognize achievements in knowledge and "peace". They include the Nobel prize for physics and chemistry. Each winner of any of the Nobel Prizes are called "Laureates", which means "crowned one". In English, the word laureate has also come to signify eminence or association with literary or military glory. In ancient Greece, the laurel (Laurus Nobilis) was sacred to Apollo and sprigs of it were fashioned into a crown or wreath of honor for poets and heroes. This symbolism has been widespread ever since. In Greek mythology, the goddess of victory, Nike, crowns the winners of the 5 Olympic games. Again, there are 5 Nobel prizes and 5 original Olympic games where the people were crowned with laurel. The winners of the Nobel prizes are called Laureates (to be crowned with laurel).
Each winner of the Nobel Peace Prize race receive millions of dollars, a gold medal that is rewarded to the winner in the presence of the king of Norway and a diploma written on special fabric paper. The Literature (playwrights, etc.) diploma is written in parchment reminiscent of those used by medieval book illustrators. The other diplomas use specially ordered hand-made paper. Many of the laureates/crowned ones are members of the Illuminati/new world order.
The white horse represents the spirit of conquest in the disguise of peace, both spiritually and physically. Obama, Jimmy Carter, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. and all other winners of the Nobel Peace Prize were/are possessed with the demon of the White Horseman. This demon is also in all Catholic popes and Babylonian religious leaders of all false religions. The spirit of the White Horse is in everyone (especially leaders) who have a false appearance of holiness, righteousness, love or peace, but in reality have a heart and spirit of war or falsehood. The white horse is the spirit of deception, false peace and false religion including false prophets and false messiahs.
The spirit of the white horse is also present in the Abraham Accords peace treaty between Israel and Islamic nations. The accords have a false appearance of peace, but the end result is war. It is spoken of in 1 Thes. 5:3.
The note for Rev. 6:2 in The Alpha & Omega Bible (AOB) says:
"The white horse is related to the Olympics [in the form of false peace, false coexistence], but the primary end time fulfillment of the first seal was manifested around 1901, with Alfred Nobel and the invention of the Nobel Prizes, as well as the inventions of electricity, trains, automobiles, airplanes and the petroleum industry. Modern technology corrupts society, leading to violence and increased wickedness which is part of the opening of the seals. See Dan. 12:4.
The white horseman represents things and people [such as the Abraham Accords in 1 Thes.5:3] who have an appearance of holiness, righteousness, peace and prosperity [represented by white] but have the heart of war and destruction. Every winner of the Nobel prizes rides the white horse. Most of them are communist. The white horse is also all false religion, false prophets and false messiahs and the main end time Son of Perdition [The Antichrist]. Bashar Assad will appear in the sky [what 2 Thes. 2 calls the "Strong Delusion"], riding the famous white horse of Islam named "El Buraq", which they say that Mohammad rode to Heaven and that the Mahdi will return on. Compared to Esther 1:1, Dan.11:36 and 2 Thes. 2, Rev. 12:7, 16:18 and 19:11, this will occur during a fake Battle of Armageddon, i.e. fake coming of God, which will include an earthquake."
Rev 6:3-4 "And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword."
The second seal of Revelation 6 and the red horseman was released with Vladimir Lenin, the leader of the Soviet red army. He was the creator of the Soviet Communist Party, leader of the 1917 October Revolution (killing one another as we also see in Egypt and Libya in 2011 under Obama's encouragement), and founder of the USSR. Lenin was a rider of the red horse and was responsible for the deaths of many people.
Now, Vladimir Putin & Mikhail Gorbachev also ride the red horse of communism and war. The word "Vladimir" means "to rule with peace"! Some people claim that it is unknown what the word "Putin" means or where the word came from! Others say it means "someone belonging to the way/road, someone who goes along the way".
Vladimir Lenin disguised himself and changed his name to evade authorities because he was a revolutionary. The word "revolution" is from the Latin revolutio meaning "turn around"! (Just like in the Mecca clock & Nazi swastika!) The red horse is both communism and its fruit of war and revolution which removes peace from the Earth. Red is the color of bloodshed.
Another red army leader was Mao Zedong, founder of the People’s Republic of China, enslaved the world’s most populous nation in communism. In 1966, he published "Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong", otherwise known as "The Little Red Book", as a tool in the “Cultural Revolution”.
- Encyclopedia article on Vladimir Lenin.
- Encyclopedia article on Vladimir Putin.
Putin on a bay (reddish brown) horse in August 2009. Confirmed to me by God to keep the word "bay" on this description. And that it is still considered a red horse. The word "speckled" in Zechariah 1:8, refers to a bay/reddish brown horse. Putin is one of the current main red horse riders, plus the president of China.
Mikhail Gorbachev, last leader of the official Soviet Union. Red forehead birthmark. Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990.
Yuri Gorbachev is the nephew of former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Yuri is a world famous art painter. He painted this Red Horse.
Nelson Mandela, Communist Man of Terror Attacks, praised by the world as a hero, Winner Nobel Peace Prize 1993 Jimmy Carter, Crowned winner of Nobel Peace Price 2002, gave Panama Canal to the Chinese. Continues to spread leftist Communism across the globe in the name of peace. Yasser Arafat was crowned with the Nobel Peace Prize 1994. Islamic terrorist madman!
Rev.13:18, 666 in Codex Vaticanus 350 A.D. Notice the 3rd symbol of 666, the sickle and hammer! It is just turned around. Shape is perfect!
Karl Marx co-authored The Communism Manifesto along with Friedrich Engels. He is the most popular proponent/founder of Communism. Besides hating capitalism, Marx also hated the Jewish people and Israel and wrote against them. Marx also hated God, hated Christians, and wrote Satanic poetry.
What was the fruit of his ideas? Communist regimes throughout history have murdered over 100 million people all across the world: in Russia, China, Cambodia, Ukraine, Vietnam, and many other nations. To honor Karl Marx as many liberal democrats do, is to endorse mass murder and hatred of Israel.
Rev 6:5-6 "And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine."
In the larger context of history, the third seal was opened with the Great Depression and Hitler/Nazi Germany. In modern day history, this horse of Nazism and famine has been quickened by Obama's conquest of Egypt and his economic policies. The black horse is Nazism and its fruit of famine.
Hitler's Nazi Germany issued postage stamps of race horses. Just Google "Hitler race horse" in the image search. - It is rumored and believed by many people that Hitler owned a race horse. That may or may not be true. If true, the horse was brown. But still yet, a race horse.
In 2014, The United States and European Union tried to force the Ukraine to join the European Union. The president of the Ukraine refused to do so. So the American and European governments used the Nazi (black horse) groups in the Ukraine to overthrow the president. Revolution is a major characteristic of the red horse. (Rev. 6:4 " take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword").
This resulted in the Russian (red horse) take over of eastern Ukraine. After the division of the Ukraine, the Nazi black horse continued and was manifested in persecution of the Jews living in both halves of the Ukraine.
Below are some other examples of the black horse:
South African Nazi Leader on Black Horse, March 2000.
The Italian Ferrari was designed by Hitler's engineers. They invented at least 4 different new types of cars. Also on this race car logo is the colors of green, white, and red, the colors of the other 3 horses. Hitler had major connections with Henry Ford, Ford, and GM. Source 1, Source 2, Source 3, Remember from Daniel 12:4 that transportation was to be increased with the opening of the Seals!
Notice the first symbol of 666.
Nazi Swastika/rotating arms. A clue to turn these symbols in the mirror to see the reflection of the image of the beast. Also a pointer to the Mecca Clock and the Black Temple. The Nazi Swastika is also known as "dragon scales". A balancer. Scales. Rev.6:5. Source 1, Source 2.
The swastika and the yin yang are also both Buddhist and Hindu symbols of peace and balance. Both Buddhism & Hinduism deny/reject Jesus Christ as Savior. They are antichrist as well as Nazism, Islam & Communism.
Yin Yang Balance/Scales rotating. Represents black horse & white horse. The merging of all horses.
For more information about Obama and his connection to Nazism, please click here. For more information about how all 4 demons of the 4 horsemen are in Obama, please click here.
Green is the sacred color of Islam.
In the context of history, the antichrist spirit of Islam is a spirit that mankind has had to fight with over many millenniums. Islam existed well before Muhammad, under many different names during Old Testament times. Some people believe the snake in the Garden of Eden could have been a green snake.
But the end time 4th seal (pale/green horse) was probably opened during the "1963 Syrian coup d'état", referred to by the Syrian government as the "8 March Revolution". It occurred on the day before Purim, which is a significant sign that this could be the date of the opening of the seal. The coup brought the very demonic "Ba'ath Party" into power in Syria, which eventually led to Bashar Assad's dictatorship.
On Feb. 22, 1971, Bashar Assad's fake "dad" Hafez al-Assad seized control of Syria and introduced Alawite rule of Syria. The pale green 4th horseman was then quickened and empowered even more in January 1978 when the Iranian Revolution, also known as the Islamic Revolution, began when Jimmy Carter was the president of the USA. After strikes and demonstrations paralyzed Iran and its economy, the Shah was overthrown and fled the country in January 1979 and Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returned from exile to Tehran. Khomeini and the extreme Islamic Iranian government are elements of the green horse. They are partners with the Syrian Assad family and the Assyrian son of perdition.
The pale-green horseman of Islam was again quickened by Obama's support of the conquest of Egypt, his removal of President Mubarak by the Nazi party, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Communist party, as well as Obama's continued support of Islam across the globe. President Mubarak did a great job of restricting those three evil groups in the middle east. When President Mubarak was overthrown, those evil groups of 666 were free to wage war in the middle east. Egypt and all the middle east has been purposely weakened so that Bashar Assad can now conquer the middle east. Bashar Assad, the son of perdition, is the main current rider of the pale green horse. He that sat on him is death (Assad + other Islamic leaders + pestilence/viruses) and hell (the grave) follows!
The overthrow of President Mubarak of Egypt in 2011, was a foreshadowing of a future overthrow of Egypt by Bashar Assad of Syria, as predicted in Daniel 11:40-45. It also involves the spirit of revolution as revealed in the white, red, black and green horses of Revelation 6, also known as the first 4 seals, and the situation in 2020 -2020 in the USA with the election fraud, Biden, Antifa and Black Lives Matters.
During the administration of John F. Kennedy, there was a coup in Syria. During the Carter administration, there was a coup in Iran. During the Obama occupation of the White House, there was a coup in Egypt. In 2020 - 2021, there was a coup in the USA which resulted in Biden occupying the White House. The Democrats are communist revolutionists whose goals include: the destruction of Israel and of the white race, global genocide of anyone that disagrees with them or who refuses to submit to them, and the destruction of freedom and of human rights.
Obama, Pope Francis, Bashar Assad, the war in Syria, the war in Iraq, ISIS, Islamic State, the war in the Ukraine, the Ebola virus and also the COVID-19 coronavirus are all parts of the green horseman / 4th seal.
Rev. 6:8 (NASB) I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them (the 4 horsemen) over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.
The Ebola virus consists of a green protein, thereby helping to identify it as part of the green horseman pestilence.
A doctor was found to have Ebola in one of his eye months after being treated - and the virus turned his eye from blue to green.
The Wuhan, China coronavirus has a direct connection to the red horse 2nd seal of communism and also to the 4th seal green horseman of Assad, Islam and pestilence. The Chinese virus was engineered in a lab in China. It was "man made" on purpose as part of a biological war against the USA. Assad is well known for chemical warfare and he also has much biological warfare ability. Revelation 9 describes Bashar Assad as the king of the locusts made of iron. Those metal locusts are actually military helicopters equipped with biological and/or chemical warfare. China, Russia and Iran support Assad and his chemical and biological warfare. North Korea is also very much involved with those nations in developing and stockpiling biological and chemical warfare ingredients.
In 2005, a top Chinese military official admitted that the Chinese government was preparing biological warfare (viruses) for the purpose of releasing on America, to kill many Americans, to make it easier for China to then invade and seize the land. (Source.)
Assad is the true "Son of Perdition", which people call "The Antichrist". As the antichrist, he is the true New World Order (NWO) leader who is orchestrating behind the scenes, and is surely, probably in charge of the Chinese virus manufacturing and release. Do not discount what world leaders do in concert behind the scenes. Many of the Nazi, Islamic, Communist world leaders are fallen angels who are working together. Assad would be their leader, under Satan.
The 2020 locust outbreak across Africa, the middle east and Asia is a foreshadowing of the iron locusts (helicopters with chemical or biological warfare) of Revelation 9. Revelation 9 won't be fulfilled until the final 5 months of the 1,335 days of Daniel 12. Therefore, Revelation 9 will not be fulfilled in 2020 - 2021 - 2022. But the real locusts of 2020 are foreshadowings of the end, which will include biological or/and chemical warfare, which the 2020 COVID-19 coronavirus is already part of and will intensify with the helicopters.
C O V I D contains a green fluorescent protein!
In May 2021, Pope Francis called for green economics, green education & green spirituality. He actually used these words! Source:
It's interesting that the wicked Democrats have pressed so hard for "green energy", green sustainability and other green initiatives.
The Palestinian flag. Also all 4 colors of the 4 horsemen. Notice the word "pale" in Palestinian, as in the pale horseman.
Notice the middle symbol of 666, it is the word "Allah"! It is just turned on the side, which is a very common and accepted way of writing "Allah" by Muslims. Click here for proof.
Name of Allah on the forehead.
For more information about the mark of the beast (Nazism, Islam & Communism) please click here.
White Horse: False Peace. False Science and Technology. Coexist of the next 3 horses of 666. All Nobel Prize winners ride the spirit of the White Horse. The UN rides the white horse in the spirit of false peace and coexist.
Red Horse: Communism. All Communist people worldwide ride the Communist horse.
Black Horse: Nazism. All Nazis worldwide ride the black Nazi horse.
Pale Green Horse: Islam. All Muslims ride the pale green Islamic horse.
The United Nations is a group of false peace coexistence of all these evil 666 people of Communist, Nazi and Muslim nations. Not only does the United Nations ride (are possessed by) these spirits, but also all people worldwide who accept their ideology have the demon spirits of the 4 horsemen.
From the Encyclopedia article on Gandhi:
"Gandhi had generally positive and empathetic views of Islam, and he extensively studied the Quran. He viewed Islam as a faith that proactively promoted peace, and felt that non-violence had a predominant place in the Quran."
Gandhi rode the white horse because he had the spirit of war with a false appearance of peace.
He also rode the green horse, by supporting & promoting Islam.
And he rode the black horse of Nazism, too:
"In a post-war interview in 1946, he said, "Hitler killed five million Jews. It is the greatest crime of our time. But the Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher's knife. They should have thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs... It would have aroused the world and the people of Germany... As it is they succumbed anyway in their millions." Gandhi believed this act of "collective suicide", in response to the Holocaust, "would have been heroism"."
People should not be positively quoting this evil man!
They are now riding in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and America and across the globe. In recent years, we have seen a great increase in tornadoes, earthquakes, nuclear events, the martyrdom of Christian believers and war as well as continued economic collapse. We can expect to see much more in the years to come!
What is next? The 5th Seal of the Great Tribulation! The Abomination of Desolation and WW3!
Rev 11:2-3 "But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city (Jerusalem) shall they tread under foot forty and two months.Then after the 3.5 years of the Great Tribulation, the angel blows the Last Trumpet and the dead in Christ, including the two witnesses, rise in the air! Then we which are alive and remain and have survived the Great Tribulation shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord! Oh, what a wonderful day that will be! The Good News is that Jesus is coming back soon! So, get ready to meet your Maker! Repent and be baptized and live for Christ Jesus every day!
This article did not come to you by the wisdom of men. But rather, by the power of God the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth. It was not the result of much research, but rather by the divine revelation of Jesus The Christ.
See much more proof of the identity of the 4 horsemen and learn their connections to the oil, electric, computer & auto industries in the article - The Electrical, Petroleum & Automotive Industries Corruption Of Mankind
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The 4 Horsemen of Revelation Chapter 6 Revealed! Copyright 2012 I Saw The Light Ministries