Sabbath, Holy Day and Feast Services for I Saw The Light Ministries

This page is in 5 sections:

Section 1: Online Audio/Broadcast Services: How to Listen Online Or By Telephone. 7 Ways to Listen.
Section 2: List of Local Locations For 7th Day Sabbath Services & Holy Day Services.
Section 3: About Our Local Worship Services.
Section 4: Request to attend local services.
Section 5: Future Locations.

Section 1: Online Audio/Broadcast Services: How to Listen/Watch Online or by Telephone. 10 Possible Ways to Listen or Watch!

"This Gospel of The Kingdom" broadcast of live weekly 7th day Sabbath & annual Holy Day Feast/Festival/Fiesta sermons.
Every weekly 7th Day of Rest & Assembly (Saturday/Sabbath) & every High Holy Day at 12:50 P.M. Eastern Time.
Average 1.5 - 2.5 hours each broadcast.
House churches / living room congregations are also welcome to watch or listen in as a group on the Sabbath every week or Holy Day.

Ways To Listen LIVE

1. Recommended: Listen Live on our 24/7 internet radio station in the widget below.
"This Gospel of The Kingdom" internet radio broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This includes recorded sermons, live sermons, gospel music and much more.
For live sermons, we are live at 12:50 p.m. Eastern time every Saturday. Just click on the play button below to hear the broadcast live. If it is 12 noon Eastern Time or a few minutes later, and you don't hear a sermon, then we might be running late. Just wait one full minute and check again. You might need to refresh/reload the page. Or else try another option for live listening. The widget [audio player] says "This Gospel Of The Kingdom" in black letters, and "I Saw The Light Ministries" in yellow letters. If you don't see all of that, then you might need to unblock images or unblock ads.
For archived recordings of sermons, see option #6 lower on this page.

2. Listen Live every Saturday at 12:50 p.m. Eastern Time on Click here.

3. Listen to Live audio online at TalkShoe at (Works best with Google Chrome browser. You will need to click on "Join Studio". Depending on your computer, you might also need to click on "connect audio" after you enter the studio. Please note that chat is disabled, and that you microphone is automatically muted.)

4. Listen to audio Live on telephone/speakerphone. Call the phone number below for your region. Then enter caller ID "14366#" including the # symbol and follow instructions. The phone numbers work only during LIVE sermons on every weekly 7th Day Sabbath and High Holy Day (Feast/Festival Day). Since the phone numbers only works during live broadcasts, please do not call before 12:51 pm Eastern Time on 7th Day and Holy Days. If it does not work when you call, we are not live yet, please wait one minute and call back in. Repeat every minute until the call is active.

United States +1 605 562-0444
United States - Pennsylvania +1 717-734-6904
Australia (Pinjarra) +61 8 9520 3114
Canada +1 867 292 3066
United Kingdom +44 161 500 0070
Germany (Dusseldorf) +49 211 95987100

Ways To Listen to the Prerecorded Achieves Any Time 24/7

5. Listen to previously recorded audio via archives in the widget located below:
(Attention: This widget no longer supports downloads, but rather only listening. For downloads to your computer, you will need to scroll down to other options.)

6. Listen to the recorded archives any time 24/7 on (No download available.)

7. Download our audio sermons, any time 24/7, on (You will need to register and sign in. But this does provide the best audio quality if you are going to download it.)

8. Listen to or download our audio sermons, any time 24/7, in the archives at Talk-Shoe at

9. Listen to recorded podcasts on the following mobile phone apps: Pandora

10. For iPhone and iPad, in addition to the others ways available, you can also download & listen via iTunes. Instructions for listening on iTunes:
A. Make sure you have downloaded and installed iTunes.
B. Go to the iTunes music store.
C. Click on "podcast" then click on "Submit A Podcast ".
D. Copy and paste this address: itpc:// into the "Podcast Feed Url:" on the iTunes screen and click "continue". If that doesn't work, try
E. Please note that on some phones/pads, you may need to load the broadcast in your news app.

Section 2: List of Local Locations, Congregations For 7th Day Sabbath Worship Services & Holy Day Services:

USA: (Some locations don't have local pastors or a full congregation, but has a member who would like to fellowship with you on the Sabbath day.)

Tennessee: Greeneville in Greene county. (This is our headquarter church. This is within a 2 hours drive or less from Morristown, Bean Station, White Pine, Cosby, Newport, Gatlinburg, Sevierville, Pigeon Forge, Bulls Gap, Knoxville, Kingsport, Bristol, Johnson City, Elizabethton, Erwin, and other areas of east Tennessee and also very near Asheville, North Carolina.)

Kansas: Olathe (20 miles southwest of Kansas City.)

We are always praying for more local congregations to be established in every state and every nation. All we need is more people like you to accept all truth and begin to listen to our live worship services online and contact us and be baptized and then open your doors to other people who contact our ministry from your local area. Every large congregation begins with just one person or one family. If you do your part, then we can grow additional congregations in all regions.

International: (Some locations don't have local pastors or a full congregation, but has a member who would like to fellowship with you on the Sabbath day.)
Australia: South Australia: Port Lincoln.
India: Kerala.
South Africa: Cape Town and also Richards Bay.
South Korea: Very near Seoul.

We are always praying for more local congregations to be established in every state and every nation. All we need is more people to accept all truth and begin to listen to our live worship services online and contact us and be baptized and then open your doors to other people who contact our ministry from your local area. Every large congregation begins with just only one person or one family.

Section 3: About Our Local Worship Services:

We want to ensure that we accept all like minded people who are sincerely seeking truth & who want to follow Jesus. But at the same time, we do not want to expose our congregation to spiritual or physical danger & to people that just want to disrupt services and cause trouble. In this wicked & dangerous generation that we live in, I am sure that you understand that we must protect our congregation & this also protects you in return.
For our spiritual and physical safety, we require that you notify us in advance of your interest in attending local Sabbath worship services. You will then be approved or rejected.

We do not expect you to agree with 100% of our teachings immediately, but we do ask that you check out the website to ensure that we are in agreement on the basics & on many things. We seek fellowship with like-minded followers of Jesus Christ.

We are not Hebrew roots and we do not accept the pagan Assyrian/Babylonian names of Yah, Yahweh, Yahsuah, Yeshua, Jehovah, etc. We are Jesus name only. Click Here to examine 100% proof positive that the y names are pagan and that Jesus is His true and correct Hebrew name.

We are 10 Commandments observant including the weekly 7th Day of Rest & Assembly (Roman name=Saturday, Assyrian Name=Sabbath). We accept the gifts of The Holy Spirit/Ghost including prophecy, tongues, interpretation of tongues, healing, etc.

We do not believe in women pastors. But women can have a part in the worship services and ministry. They can pray, sing, testify, prophesy, share, etc during our services. We also believe in women deaconesses, just like in Romans 16:1. Please see this link. Everyone (both male & female) is welcomed and encouraged to ask questions after the sermon, if the intent is a sincere desire to understand and seek the truth, rather than to cause confusion and disunity.

We allow and encourage everyone to worship The Almighty in spirit and in truth during services. This includes raising your hands and arms in worship and verbally praising God/Jesus, and true speaking in tongues. We do not hinder the free movement of The Holy Ghost. But we reserve the right to stop false tongues of meaningless gibberish and other confusion and counterfeits. Everyone is encouraged to come early and stay late for fellowship and food.

We read from a translation called "The Alpha & Omega Bible". Click here to learn why. (However, you are welcome to try to follow along in the KJV, NIV, ESV or NASB.)

Please note that unlike the "Living Church of God", "Philadelphia Church of God" and "United Church of God", we do not require people to already understand all truth and be perfect before attending. We also do not forbid worship, unlike those groups. We seek to evangelize the public, including the lost, unsaved people, concerning the full gospel of the Kingdom of God. Luke 5:32 "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

Section 4: Request to Attend Local Services for the following locations:

Greeneville Tennessee; Olathe Kansas, Seoul South Korea, Port Lincoln South Australia, Kerala India, Cape Town and Richards Bay South Africa.

If you have already checked out the website and are in basic agreement and like minded, and are interested in attending live services in person in Greeneville Tennessee, Olathe Kansas, South Korea, Kerala India, or Cape Town South Africa or Richards Bay South Africa, please click here to fill out an online form to tell us about yourself. Please provide all of your contact information including telephone number and we will call you to discuss attending. We want to ensure that we accept all like minded people who are sincerely seeking truth & who want to follow Jesus. But at the same time, we do not want to expose our congregation to spiritual or physical danger & to people that just want to disrupt services and cause trouble. In this wicked & dangerous generation that we live in, I am sure that you understand that we must protect our congregation & this also protects you in return. Please do not use that form for general contact. It is to be used only for request for information for local services in Greeneville Tennessee, Olathe Kansas, South Korea, Kerala India, or South Africa.

Please do not use that form for any other reason.

For all other reasons, general contact (not to come to services), please click here.

Section 5: Future Locations

We currently do not have any other meeting places in other areas but are always seeking men to fulfill their ministry calling, and men and women who are willing to meet with other new comers in your local area in other states and regions across the world. We are seeking people who are like-minded and agree with our teachings to host services in either their homes, your local parks, barn, garage, basement, rented store front building or other location. We are seeking mature men who are willing to be leaders/deacons/pastors of local congregations. We are also seeking men and women who just want to fellowship with other locals. You must agree with The Alpha & Omega Bible.

If you are willing to host or lead a local gathering, and are like minded, and agree with our teachings, you need to first read much of this website and agree with what the bible says, as we teach. If you disagree with us on any doctrine, don't waste our time applying for ministry position or hosting. We are seeking ministers, leaders, congregations & fellowship groups in all areas of the world. You will not be paid by our ministry. This is a volunteer position (as called and ordained by God/Jesus) and must be approved by I Saw The Light Ministries to represent our ministry.
To apply, first be listening to our worship services every week and be a member of our online social media groups and contact me from there.

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Local & Online ASL Video Audio & Telephone Sabbath Services of I Saw The Light Ministries. Copyright 2006 I Saw The Light Ministries