Praise The Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth!

I Saw The Light Ministries
Serving God in Spirit and in Truth
John 4:23-24

Bible Study Tools, Supplies, Research Resources

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Free Downloads in English:

Our sermon transcripts in PDF format. Read full sermon transcripts of I Saw The Light Ministries. Very deep messages like no other ministry! No tickling the ears! Strong, bold messages! New sermons uploaded weekly. Click here to view.

"Writings of I Saw The Light Ministries": Epub file (E-book). This entire website in one volume. Click here to download. (Not updated for corrections to typos and new articles.)
Download Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) eReader to read Epub and other eBooks for free both online and offline.

The Two Babylons, by Alexander Hislop 1858. Very well known, well respected and very often quoted resource of historical proof of the pagan origin of many traditional religious customs. (Free PDF download).

Free gospel tracts and fliers to download, print and distribute.
Also free bible studies to print. Please click here to access these.

Recommended Translation of the Bible:

The Alpha & Omega Bible is the most accurate translation available on Earth today. It is available for free download or paperback purchase. It includes the Apocrypha which was in the bibles that existed in the time that Jesus walked on the Earth in the flesh and was also originally in the KJV 1611 bible and in the 1560 Geneva Bible.


Apocrypha and lost books of the bible: Click here for a good list of acceptable apocrypha books and also books that you should reject and why.

Other Bible Study Tools:

Biblical history timeline.

Ministry Videos and Audio section Bible/ - Look up verse numbers or keywords to view scripture and use available given resources such as maps, lexicons, concordances, dictionaries, etc. Great bible study tool! Great website for bible study. Strong's concordance, cross references, etc.

E-Sword: Download and compare many translations of the bible onto your computer for offline use and also download concordances, commentaries, lexicons, dictionaries and other resources. Great search feature. A very valuable free bible study tool! Highly recommended.

Vatican Library images of Codex Vaticanus Images of every page of the oldest, most complete bible manuscript, Greek Septuagint. (There are older fragments, but this is the oldest full complete bible on Earth.) However, it's all in Greek and very difficult to find specific verses. The following 2 links below will be more helpful to most people, and allow you to find the specific verse and see the English definitions.

Katabiblon Find the original Greek words for the Greek Septuagint and also the New Testament.

Bento Bible Another source for original Greek words of ancient Greek Septuagint and New Testament.

Bible study tools .com Compare 39 bible translations on one page.

Catholic cross reference Search any bible verse to see if an ancient Catholic "church father" quoted that scripture, to see if they quoted it differently thousands of years ago, to determine if it was changed in the bible later.

Apostolic Bible Polygot Another translation from the Greek Old Testament and New Testament. Please note that their source isn't the oldest possible bible manuscripts, but nevertheless a good translation and a good bible for comparison. Useful tool. It's also available at

Recommended Books to Purchase

These books are our honest recommendations to help you in your biblical studies.

Strong's Concordance of NASB
Absolute "must have" bible study reference book if you have the New American Standard Bible of 1995 or earlier.

Strong's Concordance of KJV
Absolute "must have" bible study reference book if you have a KJV bible.

The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible
An English translation of some of the biblical manuscripts of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The best collection of such as I have been able to find thus far.

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