I Saw The Light Ministries
Serving God in Spirit and in Truth
John 4:23-24
Sermon Transcripts
Sermons that deliver a very deep message to people who are sincerely seeking the truth. Not superficial. No tickling the ear. Strong, bold messages!
New sermons uploaded weekly. Download today. Each sermon is a free PDF download.
Please understand that these transcripts are transcribed by a computer program which makes a few mistakes. Occasionally the computer misunderstands a word, especially with my southern Appalachian mountain accent. But they are mostly accurate.
Worship services are held every Sabbath/Saturday. It will take a few days to process the new transcript for each new sermon.
Listen every Saturday and every biblical holy day at 12:50 p.m. Eastern Time Zone (New York time) by clicking here. (First 10-15 minutes is worship music when you listen live.)
All sermon transcripts are copyrighted by I Saw The Light Ministries. Do not remove copyright notice from these transcripts. Do not edit.
The newest sermon will appear on the top, after it's available.
Sermon Transcripts for 2025
Upcoming: Saturday: Weekly Sabbath services. 12:50 pm Eastern Time.
Feb. 15: Holy clean living definination, how to, what it means.
Feb. 8: The trinity is antichrist. Trinity is pagan. The Assyrian antichrist & the 2 Catholic/Orthodox horns of the false prophet are the only trinity. God is one.
Feb. 1: Honorable submission of females.
Jan. 30: New Moon: Defiled gospel music and drunkeness, alcohol.
Jan. 25: Is pharmacy medicine and all doctors witchcraft/sorcery as many people claim?
Jan. 18: Zionism. Good? Bad? Evil? Sermon transcript.
Jan. 11: Divorce, separation and remarriage. What's allowed by scripture.
Jan. 4: Second Resurrection, 2nd life, 2nd chance.
Sermon Transcripts for 2024
Dec. 31: Christian polygamy, Matthew 25 series.
Dec. 28: The need to be prepping for the Great Tribulation. Matthew 25 series.
Dec. 26: First day of Hanukkah: We need more of the anointing oil of The Holy Ghost. Also mentioned in passing: Polygamy. Matthew 25 series.
Dec. 21: Hanukkah, why it's important to end time Christians.
Dec. 14: Suicide or Euthanasia, Is it always sin?
Dec. 7: The 2nd horn of The False Prophet revealed.
Dec. 2: Syria/Assad Antichrist Update.
Nov. 30: The 2nd Commandment reexamined, a correction in doctrine.
Nov. 23: Godly gratitude, Thanksgiving not pagan.
Nov. 16: Time to grow.
Nov. 9: Twenty years of "not my will but thy will."
Nov. 2: Female characteristics of the bride/church.
Oct. 24 Last Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles: Refreshing living water.
Oct. 19: God's tabernacle
Oct. 17: First Day of Feast of Tabernacles: Temporary tabernacles.
Oct. 12: Redemption/Ransom in The Day of Atonement.
Oct. 5: Separation at The Day of Atonement.
Oct. 3: Feast of Trumpets: Battle of Jericho.
Sept. 28: Daniel 11:35 through Dan. 12, Hurricane Helene & Hezbollah.
Sept. 21: Daniel 10:1 through Dan. 11:35 commentary.
Sept. 14: Daniel 8-9 commentary.
Sept. 7: Daniel 6-7 commentary.
Sept. 4, Sixth New Moon: Daniel 4-5 commentary.
August 31: Daniel 3 commentary.
August 24: Daniel chapters 1 and 2 commentary.
August 17: Revelation 19-22 commentary.
August 10: Revelation 14-18 commentary.
August 5 New Moon: Revelation 12-13 Next war in Heaven, Mark of the Beast, Image of the Beast.
August 3: Revelation chapters 8 to 11: The 7th Seal and the 7 Trumpets. Are people already hearing the trumpets blow, weird/strange sounds around the world. Updated and improved transcript.
July 27: Revelation 6:9 through Revelation 7 commentary: 144,000, 6th seal.
July 20: Israel, Will all Israel be saved? Romans 11. Also, more effective witnessing as revealed in my dream as confirmed by Matthew 11.
July 13: Revelation chapters 5 and 6, the 4 horsemen.
July 6: Revelation 3-4 commentary.
June 29: Revelation 2 commentary.
June 22: Revelation, book of, study, chapter 1 commentary.
June 16 Pentecost 2024: Pentecost Passion.
June 15: 1 Timothy chapters 3 to chapter 6 commentary.
June 8: First Timothy 1:1 to 3:5 commentary.
June 7: Third New Moon: Power of a truly saved Christian.
June 1: Rewards: Different rewards for different saints in eternity and now.
May 25: Peace/Faith in Great Tribulation.
May 18: Females, their biblical roles, submission, women, wives, girls. Women's work. Feminism. Women's suffrage.
May 11: Antichrist, Son of Perdition, 12th Mahdi, true identity. End time prophecy, revelation.
May 9: Sinful nature, we are born with, but Adam/Eve were not created with.
May 4: Compassion, Love
April 29, Last day of Unleavened Bread: The Obligations of God.
April 27: God the firstfruit of many. Festival of firstfruits next day.
April 23, 1st day of Unleavened Bread: How to defeat sin & temptation.
April 20: Discerning the times. Prophetic events and how much time we have left. Why God will destroy America and the UK and their allies. Most dangereous places to be in during the Great Tribulation.
April 13: Necessity of Fasting.
April 6: Alternative healing that Christians should stop fearing and claiming that it's witchcraft when it's not.
March 30: Miracles are biblically required in the true church.
March 24 Purim: Jesus our Purim Deliverer.
March 23: The cross, pagan or not? Correction to doctrine.
March 16: Jesus' resurrection, When was it really? Day of the week and time. Easter? 3 days & 3 nights.
March 11: New Moon, 13th month: Scriptures in the stars/constellations.
March 9: Purim, Why Christians should observe it, and the importance of the 2024 heavenly signs.
March 2: Longsuffering, waiting for God to bring the victory.
February 24: Conviction by The Holy Ghost. Godly sorrow. Guilt that results in repentance.
February 17: Does God hate sinners? Hate, detest or forsake?
February 10: Why a Pentecostal style of worship.
February 3: Demonic History of St. Valentine's Day, Ash Wednesday & Mardi Gras
January 27: Guidance and protection of The Holy Ghost.
January 20: Resurrection of the flesh, before being transformed into spirit.
January 13: How to surrender your own will to God's will.
January 12: Co-workers in Christ. Team work. A call to action.
January 6: 2 or 3 Resurrections? Examining the number of resurrections.
Sermon Transcripts for 2023
December 30: Wave sheaf offering: Feast of First-Fruits: The 2 ascensions of Christ.
December 23: This Gospel of the Kingdom
December 16: Work versus entitlement.
December 13: Significant heavenly signs in the spring of 2024. (Pointing to Purim March 14, 2025.)
December 9: How to bless your enemies.
December 8: CCCCC: Chanukah, the celebration of the conception of Christ and of the church.
December 2: Current court trial of life.
November 25: New Jerusalem will be a mountain, not a cube or pyramid.
November 18: Hanukkah for true Christians.
November 14: Second Commandment and what clothing you wear.
November 11: Speaking in tongues required?
November 4: Lying/Deceiving not always a sin, Biblical examples.
October 28: Our jealous God.
October 21: Walk in the Spirit of God. "Praying in the spirit".
October 14: Both the wicked and the saints will be in the Lake of Fire.
October 8, New Moon 8th month: The land of Israel belongs only to the Jews and the English, not the Palestinians.
October 7: We must shine brightly.
October 5: Paradise: Last Great Day 2023.
September 30: King David in the millennium.
September 29: Temporary tabernacles.
September 24: Day of Atonement.
September 23: Fasting. Why we fast.
September 16: The Trumpets wake-up call.
September 15: Fiesta of Trumpets 2023: Holy day branding Vs. evil branding: Tattoos.
September 9: Schizophrenia is not always demons.
September 2: Situations when using God's name doesn't work.
August 26: Stress free religion?
August 19: Matthew 11 commentary.
August 5: Instant salvation vs. progressive (continual) salvation.
July 29: Matthew 9 commentary.
July 22: The difference between spiritual warfare and fear/paranoia or just life. Many people jump to conclusions and think that every little thing is either God or Satan and that everything is spiritual warfare, but in reality, most things that happen to you are just only the fruits of your own decisions and actions. How to tell the difference and how to know when it's real spiritual warfare.
July 18: Matthew 8 commentary.
July 15: Toughen up buttercup.
July 8: Paranoia, Enemies of self.
July 1: Parrhesia, freedom to boldly speak truth against evil; shut the mouth of evil.
June 24: Not my will Lord, but thy will.
June 19: Under the shelter of the Almighty. (1st day of 4th biblical month.)
June 17: No shadow of God.
June 10: Called to serve.
June 3: Sermon on the mount, angel of Daniel 10.
May 28: Pentecost sermon. Charisma empowerment from The Holy Ghost.
May 27: Future rebellion, falling away, of angels. The multiple wars in Heaven.
May 20: Power to remit or retain forgiveness of sins.
May 13: Prophetic review: Violence to increase.
May 6: No 3rd Jewish temple to be built.
April 29: Is God's law void?
April 22: Bragging, telling about your own good works.
April 21: Apostles and prophets in modern times.
April 15: Effective communication skills, the importance thereof.
April 11: Countdown to the real Jesus Revolution, a future Pentecost.
April 8: Easter versus Passover.
April 5: Detoxification of spirit and flesh.
April 1: Test ourselves to see if we are truly saved.
March 25: Raising children to become mature adults, not forever babies.
March 22: Mental health for Christians.
March 18: Why forsake family and friends? Luke 14:26
March 11: The Foundational Sabbath Commandment.
March 6: Purim day sermon.
March 4: Falling away as a foreshadowing of Purim.
Feb. 28: Stand Against Evil
Feb. 21: Purim foreshadowings occurred/occurring in 2023
Feb. 18: Love is not a new commandment.
Feb. 11: Ash Wednesday, St. Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras, The pagan origins thereof, and their connections to Christmas and Easter.
Feb. 4: Invasion by China & Russia Against USA & Allies
Jan. 28: Death, Heaven, Hell: The Hidden Truth
Jan. 22: Sabbath Legalism, Warning Against
Jan. 21: Change Required
Jan. 14: Date of Death Appointed by God? If I die today or tomorrow, is that God's Will?
Jan. 7: Real Jesus Versus False Jesus Characteristics
Sermon transcripts for 2022:
2022, Dec. 24: Difference Between Wisdom, Knowledge, and Intelligence
2022, Dec. 19: Jesse James, The Maccabee of the Confederacy
2022, Dec. 17: Jesus at The Red Sea
2022, Dec. 10: Proof God is Not 2 or 3 Beings or Persons. Wow! Mind boggling revelation from Jesus!
2022, Dec. 3: Curses on False Preachers and People Who Don't Reject Them
2022, Nov. 26: The Soul and Spirit are 2 Different Things
2022, Nov. 25: Lessons Learned by Pastor's Trial With Clogged Arteries
2022, Nov. 19: Are Unclean Meat Laws Still Intact?
2022, Nov. 12: Enemies Already Defeated?
2022, Nov. 5: Fasting Too Often
2022, Oct. 29: Why Laugh When People Fall?
2022, July 29: Ten Horns of the Beast are NWO Businessmen
2022, June 30: British Imperialism is Not Evil
2022, May 28: War is Not Evil
2022, Jan. 1: Why We Must Curse Wicked People
Sermon transcripts for 2021
2021, Dec. 5: C.S. Lewis Exposed
2021, July 31: Vegetarianism is Against God's Will
Sermon transcripts for 2020
2020, Nov. 28: Women's Work
2020, June 27: Logos, Image of God
Sermon transcripts for 2019
2019, Oct. 29: Chakras Spirit Body Rainbow
2019, Sept. 14: Seize The Kingdom
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